
Every tool you need for AI sales outreach

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Clients' favorite emails generated by AiSDR

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Explore Q2 2024 outreach benchmarks Grab my copy

Word on the Street for AI-Powered Sales

Get best practices, sales insights, and how-to content for using AI to build relationships with prospects and grow your sales pipeline
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AI SDR vs Human SDR Breakdown

SDRs are struggling to hit sales targets, which is why companies are looking for solutions to help their sales team. Explore how AI and human SDRs differ, as well as how they empower one another.


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Unlocking Sales Excellence: Metrics, Benchmarks, & Factors

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7 Time-Saving GPT Prompts for Your Sales Work

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Quick & Dirty Guide to Creating Personas


All AiSDR resources

How to Nail Sales Growth in 2024: SaaS Prospecting and Emails That Get Solid Traction 

Discover how to nail SaaS sales growth in 2024 and beyond


How to Get Generative AI to Score Your Leads

Want to speed up lead scoring? Find out how to make generative AI do it for you.


How to Build a Sales Persona for AI Software

Get best practices for building a sales persona into an AI prompt


How to Train Your AI SDR Agent to Book 3 to 5 Meetings per 100 Cold Leads

Find out how to teach your AI SDR to consistently get a 3-5% meetings booked rate.


What is an AI Video?

Learn what AI videos are, how they work, and the boost they give to your sales outreach.


Features or Stability: What Should Come First?

Features or Stability? Explore both sides of the debate, and which is used at AiSDR


AiSDR in a Nutshell

SDRs generate 30-40% of a company’s new revenue. However, budget and staffing cuts have made reaching sales targets much more challenging. Find out how AiSDR automates your outreach and empowers your sales team

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AiSDR Onboarding Guide

AiSDR writes and sends emails to prospective clients, corresponding and convincing them to book a meeting. See how easy it is to get started, which setup steps will you go through, and how to evaluate your performance.

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AI SDR vs Human SDR Breakdown

AI SDRs allow human sales teams to delegate high-volume, time-intensive work so they can focus on building relationships and critical strategic projects. See how well AI fits into your current operations, and how it compares with the human counterparts.

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7 Time-Saving GPT Prompts for Your Sales Work

52% of sales professionals admit they use AI for their day-to-day work. Many have even won back over 2 hours each day by using AI to automate time-draining tasks. Save time and work more efficiently with these AI prompts for your sales efforts

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Simplifying Mailbox Warm-up Checklist

Proper inbox warm-up will build your sender reputation, save your domain from burning, and keep your outreach from getting set back by over a month. We created a step-by-step checklist to untangle the challenges of manual warm-up.

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How to Nail Sales Growth in 2024: SaaS Prospecting and Emails That Get Solid Traction 

Discover how to nail SaaS sales growth in 2024 and beyond


How to Get Generative AI to Score Your Leads

Want to speed up lead scoring? Find out how to make generative AI do it for you.


How to Build a Sales Persona for AI Software

Get best practices for building a sales persona into an AI prompt


How to Train Your AI SDR Agent to Book 3 to 5 Meetings per 100 Cold Leads

Find out how to teach your AI SDR to consistently get a 3-5% meetings booked rate.


What is an AI Video?

Learn what AI videos are, how they work, and the boost they give to your sales outreach.


Discover the ins and outs of AiSDR

AiSDR is the go-to, all-in-one solution for sales outreach automation. Explore what AiSDR can do for you.

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