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AI Prospecting for Phillips 66

Phillips 66 is an energy manufacturing and logistics company with a diversified and integrated portfolio of refining, midstream, chemicals, and marketing and specialties businesses.

Company data:

Company size:

14000 employees




Houston, Texas, USA

Investment round:



$104 billion

Key stakeholders

These are the current top-level decision-makers at the company and their LinkedIn profiles. Check them for recent activity and updates

Kevin J. Mitchell
Executive VP & Chief Financial Officer
Mark Lashier
President & Chief Executive Officer
Br Sutaria
President Phillips 66 Pipeline LLC

Latest news about Phillips 66

Here are some of the most recent media mentions. Use them in your sales prospecting to qualify a prospect's buyer intent and personalize outreach with the latest company updates

Phillips 66 announced it will shut down its Los Angeles-area refinery by the end of 2025 due to market concerns, affecting 600 employees and 300 contractors. The company will work with California to maintain fuel supplies and evaluate future use of the refinery sites for redevelopment and economic growth[1][2].

Phillips 66 has agreed to sell its 49% non-operated equity interest in Coop Mineraloel AG, a Swiss joint venture, for approximately $1.24 billion, marking a significant step in its $3 billion divestiture commitment. The transaction is subject to approval by the Swiss Competition Commission and is expected to close in the first quarter of 2025[1].

Phillips 66 has engaged leading real estate development firms to evaluate the future use of its 650-acre refinery sites in Wilmington and Carson, California, following the refinery's planned closure in Q4 2025. The company will work with California to maintain fuel supplies and support transitioning employees and contractors[3].

Open job positions at Phillips 66

This company is actively hiring to fill these roles. Use this for sales prospecting if your solution assists, augments, or provides an alternative for the growing team and position.

ICS Cyber Security & Network Engineer Graduate

Regional EAP Coordinator

Maintenance Training Coordinator - Rodeo Refinery

AI sales outreach emails you can send to Phillips 66
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