Key stakeholders
These are the current top-level decision-makers at the company and their LinkedIn profiles. Check them for recent activity and updates
Latest news about Huntington Ingalls Industries
Here are some of the most recent media mentions. Use them in your sales prospecting to qualify a prospect's buyer intent and personalize outreach with the latest company updates
Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) secured a $6.7 billion contract for the U.S. Air Force to provide electronic warfare engineering and technical services, the largest contract for its Mission Technologies division. This announcement was made during the third-quarter earnings call on October 31, 2024[3].
Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) has slashed its financial outlook for 2024 due to contract delays, supply chain issues, and COVID-era contract terms, reducing expected free cash flow from $600-700 million to $100 million. The company also withdrew its five-year cash flow outlook and is addressing welding procedure violations[1]. HII is expanding shipbuilding capacity by acquiring South Carolina Advanced Metal Fabricator assets and workforce, announced on December 4, 2024[2].
Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) announced on December 4, 2024, its intention to acquire the assets and workforce of South Carolina Advanced Metal Fabricator to expand its shipbuilding capacity. This move is part of HII's efforts to enhance its shipbuilding capabilities and infrastructure[4].
Open job positions at Huntington Ingalls Industries
This company is actively hiring to fill these roles. Use this for sales prospecting if your solution assists, augments, or provides an alternative for the growing team and position.