Key stakeholders
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Latest news about Performance Food Group
Here are some of the most recent media mentions. Use them in your sales prospecting to qualify a prospect's buyer intent and personalize outreach with the latest company updates
Performance Food Group Company has launched its third Associate Resource Group, ¡Unidos!, to foster inclusion, cultivate community, and empower Hispanic associates, led by co-chairs Sandy Acosta and Jorge Parra, with executive sponsor Patrick Hatcher. This initiative aims to increase Hispanic representation and improve recruitment and retention strategies[1].
Performance Food Group Company completed the acquisition of Cheney Bros., Inc. on October 8, 2024, expanding its food and foodservice distribution capabilities[4].
Performance Food Group Company reported its first-quarter fiscal 2025 results, with operating expenses rising 7.1% to $1.5 billion compared to the prior year period[4].
Open job positions at Performance Food Group
This company is actively hiring to fill these roles. Use this for sales prospecting if your solution assists, augments, or provides an alternative for the growing team and position.
Accountant, Corporate Purchasing, Travel Card and SUA Program
Senior Accountant
Accountant, Senior