Latest news about Hirebotics
Here are some of the most recent media mentions. Use them in your sales prospecting to qualify a prospect's buyer intent and personalize outreach with the latest company updates
Hirebotics recently showcased innovations at IMTS 2024, including the Beacon platform on Universal Robots' Polyscope X, integration with Miller’s Auto DeltaWeld, and new features like Fine Tune and Enhanced Stitch Weld. They were also awarded Universal Robots’ Global OEM of the Year for the second consecutive year[4][5].
Hirebotics received a strategic investment from Sverica Capital Management on March 24, 2023, to facilitate growth in the welding automation market and expansion into new markets, leveraging Hirebotics' innovative collaborative robot solutions and proprietary Beacon software[1].
Hirebotics, named Universal Robots' top OEM for 2023, unveiled new products at FABTECH 2023, including the Cobot Welder with the UR20 cobot, Cobot Cutter using plasma cutting technology, Beacon Recommendations for AI-driven parameter settings, and BeaconCare for uptime support. They also introduced a flexible rental program for their systems[2][5].
Open job positions at Hirebotics
This company is actively hiring to fill these roles. Use this for sales prospecting if your solution assists, augments, or provides an alternative for the growing team and position.
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