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Latest news about Packaging Corp. of America
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Packaging Corp. of America reported strong Q3 2024 results, with net income of $238 million, or $2.64 per share, and net sales of $2.2 billion, up from $1.9 billion in Q3 2023. Corrugated products shipments increased 11.1%, and containerboard production reached 1,293,000 tons. The company expects Q4 earnings of $2.47 per share, driven by continued strong demand in the Packaging segment[1][5].
Packaging Corporation of America reported second quarter 2024 net income of $199 million, or $2.21 per share, with net income unchanged when excluding special items. The Packaging segment saw segment income of $279.9 million, and the Paper segment reported $26.1 million. EBITDA for the Packaging segment was $400.0 million[5].
Packaging Corporation of America announced management changes effective April 1, 2024, with Pamela A. Barnes retiring and Robert P. Mundy taking over as principal accounting officer and continuing as Chief Financial Officer[4].
Open job positions at Packaging Corp. of America
This company is actively hiring to fill these roles. Use this for sales prospecting if your solution assists, augments, or provides an alternative for the growing team and position.