Latest news about NutriFusion
Here are some of the most recent media mentions. Use them in your sales prospecting to qualify a prospect's buyer intent and personalize outreach with the latest company updates
NutriFusion has appointed Michelle Bacarella, MS RDN, as Head of Product Development and Innovation to drive expansion and innovation in whole food and plant-based nutrition, leveraging her expertise in phytonutrients and product formulation to enhance the company's leadership in the sector[1].
NutriFusion has announced a supplier partnership with UMMY Kids Superfood Shakes, set to begin in early December 2024. This partnership will enhance UMMY's products with NutriFusion's 21 natural, GMO-free fruit and vegetable blends, boosting the nutritional profile without affecting taste or texture[1][5].
NutriFusion has partnered with Drink Todo, a full meal replacement drink, to supply concentrated micronutrient and phytonutrient-rich food ingredient blends sourced from fruits and vegetables. This partnership enhances Todo's nutritional profile with prebiotics, adaptogens, antioxidants, and fiber, supporting a healthy, fast-paced lifestyle[2].
Open job positions at NutriFusion
This company is actively hiring to fill these roles. Use this for sales prospecting if your solution assists, augments, or provides an alternative for the growing team and position.