Key stakeholders
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Latest news about Guardian Life Ins. Co. of America
Here are some of the most recent media mentions. Use them in your sales prospecting to qualify a prospect's buyer intent and personalize outreach with the latest company updates
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America announced a record dividend allocation of $1.398 billion to participating policyholders in 2024, along with a increased Dividend Interest Rate of 5.90%. This follows a strong financial performance, including $7 billion in benefits paid and $11.4 billion in capital[2][3].
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America has deepened its strategic partnership with HPS Investment Partners, shifting management of approximately $30 billion in assets to HPS and committing up to $5 billion in new investment grade investments over the next several years[2][5].
Guardian Life Insurance Company of America has announced a new partnership with Osara Health, making it the first insurer to include cancer support services in long-term disability insurance, offering Osara Health’s Cancer Coach program to support policyholders diagnosed with cancer, starting in July 2024[2][5].
Open job positions at Guardian Life Ins. Co. of America
This company is actively hiring to fill these roles. Use this for sales prospecting if your solution assists, augments, or provides an alternative for the growing team and position.